





2010.09-2013.06 海交通大学 凝聚态物理专业 理学博士

2007.09-2010.07 温州大学     理论物理专业   理学硕士

2003.09-2007.07 山东师范大学 教育技术学专业 理学学士


2013.07-至今    欧洲杯官方网站入口 电子科学与技术专业 教师






1He Yong, Plasmon field enhancement oscillations induced by strain-mediated coupling between quantum dot and mechanical oscillator. Nanotechnology 28, 255203 (2017).

2He Yong and Zhu Ka Di, Fano Effect and Quantum Entanglement in Hybrid Semiconductor Quantum Dot-Metal Nanoparticle System. Sensors 17, 1445(2017).

3He Yong and Jiang Meiping, Entanglement of two optically driven quantum dots mediated by phonons in nanomechanical resonator. Optics Communications 382, 580-4 (2017).
4He Yong, Light storage and cavity supermodes in two coupled optomechanical cavities. Physical Review A 94, 063804 (2016).
5He Yongand Jiang Meiping, Ultrasensitive mass sensing method based on slow light in cavity optomechanics. Applied Physics Express 9, 052205 (2016)
6He Yong,Sensitivity of optical mass sensor enhanced by optomechanical coupling. Applied Physics Letters 106, 121905 (2015).
7He Yong, Optomechanically induced transparency associated with steady-state entanglement. Physical Review A 91, 013827 (2015).
8He Yong and Zhu Ka Di, Fano correlation effect of optical response due to plasmon–exciton–plasmon interaction in an artificial hybrid molecule system. Journal of Optical Society of America B 30, 868-73 (2013).
9He Yong and Zhu Ka Di, Optical detection of quantum entanglement between two quantum dots near a metal nanoparticle. Quantum Information and Computation 13, 0324-332013.
10He Yong, Jiang Cheng, Chen Bin, Li Jin Jin and Zhu Ka Di, Optical determination of vacuum Rabi splitting in a semiconductor quantum dot induced by a metal nanoparticle. Optics Letters 37, 2943-45 (2012).
11He Yong and Zhu Ka Di, Strong coupling among semiconductor quantum dots in-duced by a metal nanoparticle. Nanoscale Research Letters 7, 95-100 (2012).
12He Yong, Li Jin Jin, and Zhu Ka Di, A tunable optical response of a hybrid semiconductor quantum dot-metal nanoparticle complex in the presence of optical excitations. Journal of Optical Society of AmericaB 29, 997-1002 (2012).
13He Yong and Jiang Nian Quan, Schemes to generate and distinguish a type of genuine four-qubit entangled states in a cavity QED system. Optics Communications 283, 1558-60 (2010).
14He Yong, Jiang Nian Quan, and Ji Yong Yun One-dimensional cluster state generated in one step via one cavity. Optics Communications 283, 1979-83 (2010).
15He Yong and Jiang Nian Quan, Nondestructive and complete Bell-state analysis for atomic qubit systems. Chinese Physics B 19, 090310 (2010).
16He Yong and Jiang Nian Quan, Efficient Atomic One-Qubit Phase Gate Realized by a Cavity QED and Identical Atoms System. Communications in Theoretical Physics 53, 97-9 (2010).


2015.01-2017.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持

2013.01-2016.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与