



E-MAIL: zhouhang@cczu.edu.cn


2014.03-2018.06  上海交通大学  粒子物理专业  理学博士

2011.09-2014.03  华东理工大学  理论物理专业  理学硕士

2007.09-2011.06  河南师范大学  物理学专业   理学学士


2021.01-至今    欧洲杯官方网站入口     欧洲杯买球官方官网  教师

2018.06-2020.06  南京师范大学   物理科学与技术学院   博士后






 (1Quasi-degenerate dark photon and dark matter; Hang Zhou; Nuclear Physics B 1000 (2024) 116474;

 (2Probing compressed higgisnos with forward protons at the LHC; Hang Zhou, Ning Liu; Journal of High Energy Physics, 10(2022),092;

 (3Mono-top signature from stop decay at the HE-LHC; Xu-Xu Yang, Hang Zhou, Tian-Peng Tang, Ning Liu; Communications in Theoretical Physics73 (2021) 025201;

 (4Probing a new decay of a vectorlike top partner mediated by a heavy Majorana neutrino via single production; Hang Zhou, Ning Liu; Physical Review D101 (2020) no.11, 115028;

 (5Cosmic ray boosted sub-GeV gravitationally interacting dark matter in direct detection;  Weunyu Wang, Lei Wu, Jin Min Yang, Hang Zhou, Bin Zhu; Journal of High Energy Physics, 12(2020), 072;

 (6Probing vector-like top partner from same-sign dilepton events at the LHC; Hang Zhou, Ning Liu; Communications in Theoretical Physics, 72(2020), 105201;

 (7Probing single stop production at the FCC-hh/SPPC; Tian-Peng Tang, Hang Zhou, Ning Liu; Nuclear Physics B959 (2020) 115161;

 (8Mono-b events from single stop production at the HL-LHC and HE-LHC, Tian-Peng Tang, Ning Liu, Hang ZhouNuclear Physics B956 (2020) 115046;

 (9Top quark as a probe of heavy Majorana neutrino at the LHC and future colliders; Ning Liu, Zong-guo Si, Lei Wu, Hang Zhou, Bin Zhu; Physical Review D101, 071701(R)(2020);

 (10Polarization of top and chargino from stop decay in natural SUSY; Lei Wu, Hang ZhouPhysics Letters B, 2019, 794(2019)96–102;

 (11Polarization of top quark in vector-like quark decay; Hang Zhou, Ning Liu; Physics Letters B, 2019, 791(2019)1-5;

 (12From high-scale leptogenesis to low-scale one-loop neutrino mass generation; Hang Zhou, Pei-Hong Gu; Nuclear Physics B, 927 (2018) 184–195;

 (13Non-thermal leptogenesis with distinct CP violation and minimal dark matter; Hang Zhou, Pei-Hong Gu; Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2017, 01(2017)030;

 (14Electron events from the scattering with solar neutrinos in the search of keV scale sterile neutrino dark matter; Wei Liao, Xiao-Hong Wu, Hang Zhou; Physical Review D89, 093017(2014)


2023.09-2026.08 江苏省科技厅自然科学基金青年项目,项目名称:马约拉纳中微子质量问题相关新物理的唯象学研究,项目编号:BK20230623,主持;

2022.07-2024.06 江苏省高等学校基础科学研究面上项目,项目名称:基于对撞机实验模拟的马约拉纳中微子探测方案研究,项目编号:22KJB140007,主持;

2019.01-2019.12 国家自然科学基金理论物理专款,项目名称:中微子与暗物质新物理模型的唯象学研究,项目编号:11847208,主持;

2019.10-2020.07 江苏省博士后科研资助项目,项目编号:2019K197,主持。